6P of Medical Tourism

Product (Service)

Medical therapy and surgery are the primary medical tourism products. Plastic and esthetic surgery, as well as eye-vision health, are the most prominent branches. Other services provided by medical tourism goods include lodging, transportation, and insurance.

man sight on white microscope
man sight on white microscope

The cost differential between Turkey and other wealthy nations is a big advantage of medical tourism. Private hospitals in Turkey provide extremely competitive pricing to international patients. While hospitals are focused on competitive rates for medical tourism, medical quality is not overlooked.

a close up of a bunch of money on a table
a close up of a bunch of money on a table

Turkey is increasingly popular as a medical tourism destination. Many private hospitals have established themselves in Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, or Antalya, and they are the most popular and traditional medical centers in the Aegean and Mediterranean regions.

red flag on top of brown concrete building during daytime
red flag on top of brown concrete building during daytime

Various websites and databases promote medical tourism all over the world. Private medical providers have already begun to participate in these marketing channels. English websites, Facebook pages, Instagram accounts, other social media channels, and brochures (face-to-face contact) are all important tools for hospitals in promoting medical tourism. In addition, the Turkish government has assisted medical tourism providers.

a close up of a sign in a store
a close up of a sign in a store

Approximately 2 million patients travel to Turkey for medical reasons. The majority of them favor Istanbul, İzmir, Ankara, and Antalya. Professional and well-educated doctors and staff at Turkish hospitals can provide first-rate medical care to overseas patients who seek to visit Turkey for medical treatment.

Physical Evidence

Turkey's hospitals have contemporary sick rooms, polyclinics, and large bed capacities, as well as professional doctors and personnel. The hospitals also have medical branches around Turkey, offering a wide range of medical treatments to both domestic and international patients.

white concrete counter stand
white concrete counter stand